Baby Timeline

Baby's Strong Catharsis

김곧글 Kim Godgul 2016. 6. 15. 23:07

By doing the Holy Thing with the Fruit of Life, the baby will be full of strong catharsis that is uncommon in her daylife. And she finds enlightment that she feels the feeling that is blessed with her entire body by a lot of gods, spirits, ghosts all around the universe.

아기는 생명력의 열매를 Holy Thing 하여 평소에는 느껴보지 못 한 카타르시스에 젖어들고, 곧이어 온 세상의 수많은 신들과 영혼들에게서 온몸으로 축복을 받는 감정을 느끼게 된다. 

15th June 2016

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