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Baby Spot

On Doing The Holy Bite the Fruit

by 김곧글 Kim Godgul 2017. 1. 17. 21:56

People think so. When they works hard, they want to take a rest. But when they take a rest, they want to work hard. Like this, the blessed baby maybe sometimes thinks so, on doing the Holy Bite the Fruit, she want to do the Holy Ride with the Fruit, on doing the Holy Ride with the Fruit, she want to do the Holy Bite with the Fruit.

아래 사진 위에 덧붙여 쓰여진 문자는 톨글(Tolgul alphabet) 문자로 쓴 영어 인데 링크를 참고하면 읽을 수 있다.

관련글: 곧나모(Godnamo) :: 알파벳(로마자, for Roman Alphabet)

2017년 1월 17일 김곧글(Kim Godgul)

ordered by just alphabet