열매, 타고 날기 (Fruit, Riding and Flying)
거친 사막을 건너서 오아시스에 도착한 아기는 생명력의 열매를 먹고 인베이비의 생명력을 회복시켰다. 그 순간 아기는 온몸이 가벼워지면서 시원한 바람을 타고 하얀 구름을 뚫고 푸른 하늘을 날아다녔다. 지상은 푸른 숲으로 가득했고 동물들이 자유롭게 뛰어다녔고 맑은 강물이 흘러내려갔다. 아기는 행복했고 일상의 수많은 무게감으로부터 자유로웠다. 아기는 문뜩 자신의 등에 무언이 있다는 것을 느꼈다. 방금 오아시스에서 먹은 생명력의 열매가 등에 타고 있었다. 아기는 팔을 등쪽으로 가져가서 생명력의 열매를 집어서 먹었다. 오아시스에서 먹은 달콤한 그 생명력의 열매였고, 더 자유롭고 행복하게 날 수 있다는 생각이 들었다. 아기는 다른 생각을 할 수 없었다. 자신이 매우 행복하고 행운아라는 생각 말고는.
Crossing the wild wasteland, finally the baby has arrived in a oasis full of life energy. She swallowed the Fruit of Life, and her inbaby recovered the energy of life. At the moment, her body was light like feather, and she was riding a fresh breeze and flying through a number of white clouds. The ground was green mountains and woods, and pure water rivers ran lazy, and the animals was walking or running around peacefully. The baby was happy and free from a number of weights of daytime. Suddenly, the baby noticed that something was on her dorsally. That was the Fruit of Life which she bit and swallowed at the oasis. In other words, the Fruit of Life was riding the baby, and the baby was flying freely. The baby stretched her arm and grabbed the fruit dorsally and absorbed it. The taste of the fruit was sweet and honey which was same as the fruit at the oasis. The baby was flying around more and more freely through the white clouds in the blue sky because of the Fruit of Life riding her. She couldn't think anythinge else except she was pretty happy and lucky one.
2014년 9월 28일 김곧글(Kim Godgul)
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