Baby Timeline136 As The Holy Blessing Was Finished With Sweat,... As the Holy Blessing of the Fruit of Life for the baby was finished with sweat, she heard the blessing words from heaven, "baby, now you are blessed by the Fruit of Life. Therefore, you were, are, and always will be the Holy Blessing Baby and, regularly, you must think of the Holy Blessing and pray for yourself and this world and a lot of spirits all around the universe." 13th July 2016 (ordered.. 2016. 7. 13. 23:00 The Baby Asked The Angel With White Wings The baby asked the angel with white wings, "If I do the Holy Thing with Fruit of Life, which one is good for me between my body and my spirit."The angel answered immediately, "The Fruit of Life is good for baby's spirit." The baby asked again, "Oh my God! What about my beautiful body?" And the angel answered with smile, "Your flesh and bones will be full of happy, fascinating, exciting feelings .. 2016. 7. 10. 22:47 Always Happy Summer ... Because ... It must be hot summer, rainy summer, hurricane summer, real hot summer but always happy summer, because the baby must be blessed by the Fruit of Life indirectly or in dream or in unconsciousness. 6th July 2016 (ordered by just Alphabet) 2016. 7. 6. 23:59 By Looking Up Brilliant Uncountable Stars Across The Galaxy The baby must be happy in this summer with thinking of the Holy Thing and Holy Bless with the Fruit of Life by looking up brilliant uncountable stars across the galaxy at deep night at her vacation place. 2nd July 2016 (ordered by just Alphabet) 2016. 7. 2. 22:58 The Holy Blessing Bite by the Fruit of Life After the baby does the Holy Bite the Fruit of Life, she must be given the Holy Blessing Bite by the Fruit of Life on her own two hills. 28th June 2016 (ordered by just Alphabet) 2016. 6. 28. 22:47 Because The Forbidden Fruit Because, a long time ago, a nude baby who is acquainted with the serpent has eaten the Forbidden Fruit, these days, the baby must eat the Fruit of Life regularly for her spirit and her inbaby's spirit. 24th June 2016 (ordered by just Alphabet) 2016. 6. 24. 23:26 Praising Can Even Make A Whale Dance There's a talk that praising can even make a whale dance. And there's also similar talk that is derived from the talk. 'The Fruit of Life can even make the baby dance on sweet bed.' '칭찬은 고래도 춤추게 한다'는 말이 있다. 여기서 파생된 비슷한 뜻의 말이 있다. '생명력의 열매는 침대 위의 아기도 춤추게 한다.' 20th June 2016 (ordered by just Alphabet) 2016. 6. 20. 23:36 Baby's Strong Catharsis By doing the Holy Thing with the Fruit of Life, the baby will be full of strong catharsis that is uncommon in her daylife. And she finds enlightment that she feels the feeling that is blessed with her entire body by a lot of gods, spirits, ghosts all around the universe. 아기는 생명력의 열매를 Holy Thing 하여 평소에는 느껴보지 못 한 카타르시스에 젖어들고, 곧이어 온 세상의 수많은 신들과 영혼들에게서 온몸으로 축복을 받는 감정을 느끼게 된다. 15th June 2016 (ordered.. 2016. 6. 15. 23:07 Baby, Run, Ride, Fly and Be Blessed Baby, run to the blue sea and ride into the deep blue sky and fly into the infinity of universe and be blessed by the Fruit of Life. 10th June 2016 (ordered by just Alphabet) 2016. 6. 10. 23:11 The Baby Cannot Help Inserting The Warm Sweet Thing The baby cannot help inserting the warm sweet thing from the firestorm of life into her two lips. Because the sweet thing is her inbaby's invaluable favorite. 6th June 2016 (ordered by just Alphabet) 2016. 6. 6. 21:38 Flying To The Tree of Life, The Baby Must Be Blessed By... Flying to the Tree of Life, the baby must be blessed by absorbing the Fruit of Life. 2nd June 2016 (ordered by just Alphabet) 2016. 6. 2. 22:15 아기는 생명력의 열매로부터 축복을 받고 아기는 생명력의 열매로부터 축복을 받고 깊게 메아리치는 행복을 추구하는 삶을 살아갈 원동력을 얻는다. 30th May 2016 (ordered by just Alphabet) 2016. 5. 30. 21:22 이전 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ··· 12 다음